Friday, March 24, 2017

Hen Chronicles: This may be the best way to start a new day

As soon as I rounded the corner of the garage at dawn today, I saw our hen Snow off in the distance, bobbing up and down in the window at the front of the coop, eagerly awaiting my arrival with breakfast. Moments later, as I headed down the path that leads to the coop, Snow's squawking, and the softer clucking of coopmates Nellie and Hope, showed that impatience was on the rise.

It was 20 degrees outside, which, to the winter-hardy chickens, is a veritable heat wave. As soon as I unlatched the door, "the girls" bounded down the ramp and into the pen, where they dug into their meal with obvious glee. Chickens do not greet the new day with a grumpy yawn. They embrace it with unbridled enthusiasm. We should take notice.

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